Maui – Day Retreat – Work With Me

$995.00 5 hours

Water Ceremony – Click To Watch

Do you need help planning your Visit to Maui and want to include nurturing Your Spirit while on Vacation and would love to work with some one who is connected here Spiritually? Let me assist with your Spiritual Exploration or guide you towards the right Healer to work with while here.

I created this offer for you. I remember when I planned my first trip to Maui and because it is known to be a very Spiritual place. I wanted to find someone who could provide some Spiritual Intuitive insight, because at that time I was feeling stuck and going through a dark period in my life and needed some guidance. I found an amazing Intuitive Reader/Energy Healer who helped to Transform my Life in a Powerful Way. The work I did with her catapulted me into Alignment with my True Path. Two months later I was brave enough to walk away from a situation and place that I had out grown. The work the Healer and I did together along with the tools she gave me to practice. I did and that helped to fast track my Growth and ease me into transforming my life from a place of Grace and Ease instead of Chaos and Turmoil as is the norm for most of us to lead us to our Awakening or True Path. I broke free from Fear, Worry and Anxiety because I had Divine Clarity and Divine Support. I am forever grateful to that Healer and so my mission is to help as many people as possible Align to their Path and I want to offer that to you too while you are here on “Vacation.”

***If you feel the “Soul Urge” to work with me. I suggest you contact me first so that we can have a chat or book my free Discovery Call so that we can determine, if we are a good fit and if I am the ideal person to serve you on this quest.*** We also get to determine if this is the right experience for you.

This current offer is one day of approximately 4-6 hrs Intensive Alignment Play. Plan to travel with me to different locations as required based on the work we will do. Breakfast, Lunch or Early Dinner is included as well as a free 60 mins followup call one month after. This rate is per person. Group rate available upon request. 4 Max limit.

***I offer various other packages and can create a package that is ideal for you including accommodation if needed.***

Just to name a few of my specialties: Alignment Life Coaching, Reiki Master/Teacher (I initiate all levels if you are interested in Reiki), Feng Shui, Numerologist, Channel/Mediumship, Shamanic/Sound/Voice Channel, Dance, Emotional Freedom Technique, Relationship Coach, Attraction/Manifesting Coach, Confidence Coach, Intuitive Reader, Prayer/Tongues/Light Language Activation, Woman of God, Fun Goddess and more…

I help you to Awaken or Discover and Embrace who you are. You will leave Maui a renewed Being. I work with who God sends to me whatever sex you identify as, but you must be 18 years or older.

Can’t wait to share some Aloha with you.



Same Day Appointment Inquiries

Please Email Us ***Current Time Zone – Hawaii Standard Time ***