
My Journey to Reiki

“The Reiki Energy finds you.” Thats what my Teacher told me when I went for my Level 2 Attunement. I strongly believe the energy has been with me all my life, until I discovered it had a name. As a child growing up in Jamaica. I thought the heat I sometimes randomly felt in my hand was because I lived in a tropical climate. Later, when I moved to the United States while in College in Ohio. I attended a church that was Christian/Non-Denominational. I remember during prayer service I felt my hands starting to grow hot. I could not use the excuse of “living in a tropical climate” anymore, because it was winter in Ohio. I was asked to come to the pulpit and the Pastor told me to lay my hands on a lady that was standing there. I did and she started to cry, intuitively I knew when to stop and when I did, my hands went back to their normal temperature . That was the first time I knew about “healing touch.” I read this in the Bible numerous times where Jesus laid hands and healed the sick. I just didn’t believe that I had the gift to do this. This experience was eye opening for me and I began my search to learn more. I studied the Bible, other Metaphysical books and teachings, but I still did not feel convinced about my findings. I gave up, but the energy was still there. It kept me warm in the Winter. (imagine the smile emoji).

Years later I met a friend when I lived in Chicago and she told me about Reiki. Believe it or not at the time I found one Reiki Master and she was charging an exorbitant fee for her services. I gave up again. Finally, I moved to Maui and one month after moving I found my Reiki Master and got my first Attunement. This was the beginning of my growth and development into becoming me and finding my path. Reiki made sense and I was at peace. I finally understood what the “heat in my hand’ represented, how to use it and what to do.

Reiki is called the Universal Life Force Energy. This is one of the names given to this Energy. Various names based on certain religions or cultures will refer to it as Chi, Prana, Mana etc. It comes from the Creator and as a Reiki Healer you are a vessel that the gift flows through to help others. In my studies, “laying on of hands” was commonly done in other countries and cultures, such as India, Africa, Asia to name a few.

Reiki was discovered in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui in the 1800’s. He was said to be a Principal and also a Christian Minister. One story states that he went on a quest, to find out the methods Jesus used for healing. In his quest he travelled, studied Buddhism and learned to read Sanskrit (an ancient language of India). All failed, until finally after fasting, meditating and praying for twenty one days in seclusion at Mount Kumara in Japan, he received the revelation. He taught many and years later Reiki was brought to Hawaii by a brave female Hawayo Takata. She lived in Kauai, Hawaii. She left Hawaii to visit Japan in search of a cure for her illness and discovered Reiki, she is the one who introduced Reiki Healing to the West and I am grateful.

Reiki transforms your life from the core of your being. I visited Japan on my 12th year anniversary as a Reiki Master/Teacher and received further initiation under Sensei Mikao Usui Lineage and journeyed to Kyoto where I had a mystical experience at Mount Kumara. Visited the Temple as well as visited the grave site of Sensei Usui in Tokyo. My Japanese Teacher was amazing and I learned more techniques and have a deeper understanding of my path as a Master/Teacher. I recognize the Sacredness and Honor of sharing in this Practice. I believe Reiki puts you on your path, guides and protects you. I am grateful for this gift and will gladly share it with you, whether in person or through distance healing. When you are ready.

**I am a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals**

HELPFUL Tip Before a REIKI ATTUNEMENT & Highlights from My REIKI Pilgrimage to JAPAN.

Marsha Wald Reiki Services in Maui

Reiki Sessions

1 hr Intuitive Reading/Reiki Coaching

$288.00 60 minutes

Intuitive Reading/Reiki Coaching Session will provide tools, energy clearing as needed and guidance to address Life decisions and questions you might have. Such as, should I take this job offer? Should I start a Reiki Healing Practice? Should you go to the next level of Initiation? My relationship broke up after an Initiation, what do I do? How do I work with Reiki to Manifest? What is Distance Healing? Etc. What ever questions you have there is an answer and we will find it together. Please note all Intuitive Guidance are for educational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice.


Reiki Classes

Training classes are offered for Level 1, 2, and 3. Contact me for details!

Upcoming Classes

Reiki Maui

Reiki Training Level 1 – Contact Me for Date Prior to Booking


If you were led here, then continue to follow your Souls Urge. Book Now and let’s start your Reiki Healing Journey together. Reiki Level 1 is a 1/2 day Intensive Certification Training and Attunement. You will also receive Mentorship support after Initiation for 3 months (must be used within 6 months from date of initiation). Class start time is flexible but my standard start time is usually 10am – 2pm – In person on Maui. After Attunement, you will receive your Level 1 Certification under the Lineage of Sensei Dr Mikao Usui – Shiki Ryoho. Space is very limited – maximum 2 . More details will be emailed to you after your purchase. If you have questions or  to request date for class, feel free to contact me by filling out the Contact Me form on the Website. ***Please note due to the nature of this Training, advance preparation is necessary for both Teacher and Student, therefore, last minute booking is accepted no later than 72 hours (3 days) prior to training date.****


Reiki Master/Teacher Training Level 111 – Contact Me for Date Prior to Booking


If you were led here, then continue to follow your Souls Urge. You must receive Reiki Level 1 & 11 Attunements to be eligible to receive Reiki Level 111 Master/Teacher Training. Reiki Level 111 is a full day Intensive Certification Training and Attunement. You will also receive Mentorship support after Initiation for 6 months (Mentorship support must be used within a year from initiation date). Class starts at 10am – 5 pm – In person – Maui. After Attunement you will receive your Level 111 Master/Teacher Certification under the Lineage of Sensei Dr Mikao Usui – Shiki Ryoho. Space is very limited – maximum 2. More details will be emailed to you after your purchase. If you have questions or would like to request date for class, feel free to contact me by filling out the Contact Me form on the Website. Your  Reiki Healing journey awaits you. Book Now. ***Please note due to the nature of this Training, advance preparation is necessary for both Teacher and Student, therefore, last minute booking is accepted no later than 5 days prior to training date.***


Reiki Training Level 11 – Contact Me for Date Prior to Booking


If you were led here, then continue to follow your Souls Urge. You must receive Reiki Level 1 Attunement to be eligible to receive Reiki Level 11 Training. Reiki Level 11 is a 1/2 day Intensive Certification Training and Attunement. You will also receive Mentorship support after Initiation for 4 months. Mentorship must be used within 6 months from initiation date. Class start time is flexible but my standard start time is usually 10am – 3 pm – In person – Maui. After Attunement you will receive your Level 11 Certification under the Lineage of Sensei Dr Mikao Usui – Shiki Ryoho. Space is very limited – maximum 2. More details will be emailed to you after your purchase.If you have questions or  to request date for class, feel free to contact me by filling out the Contact Me form on the Website. Your  Reiki Healing journey awaits you. Book Now. ***Please note due to the nature of this Training, advance preparation is necessary for both Teacher and Student, therefore, last minute booking is accepted no later than 72 hours (3 days) prior to training date.***



Wise Woman!

Marsha gave me my first Reiki Treatment. I was impressed with the results and a month later I received my Reiki Level l initiation. I could work on myself and my intuition opened up. Marsha was right when she said “Reiki gets you on your Path.” After my Initiation a new Career path opened and my health became better. Forever grateful.

CV 11/2013

Great Maui Experience!

My husband and I received Reiki Treatment from Marsha on our vacation. My husband was skeptical, but is now a believer. The Reiki Energy changed something in us and we now have a more harmonious marriage.

DL 11/2019

Wholesome Teacher!

I was led to Marsha for my Level ll & lll training. Marsha goes in depth in her trainings and is very intuitive. She helped me to open up my intuition in a deeper way and brought to the surface gifts I didn’t know I had. I also appreciate her free mentorship afterwards. You are not just learning Reiki you are learning how to be a Wholesome Healer.

RK 2/2021

Contact Marsha