Why Feng Shui?

Feng Shui Works!

Alignment, harmony and balance are the core and essence of Feng Shui. There are many different styles of Feng Shui. I was trained and practice the Compass School of Feng Shui. I have always had an intuitive ability to decipher the energy of a space from the interior design and layout. As such, I also intuitively knew what worked for a space and what didn’t. Little did I know that there was a name for such an ability until years later I came across the Art of Feng Shui. I was enamored with the practice and went on to study Feng Shui. Compass Feng Shui works with Directions, the Five Elements and the Meridians of a Space. Its like doing Acupuncture on your Space.

The directions North, South, East, West, North West, North East, South West ,South East and the Center of your home all addresses an area of importance in our lives. For example. North addresses your Career and the elements that enhances this area are Water and Metal; the elements that would cause an imbalance are Wood and Earth. If you don’t know this and that area of your home happens to be where you have a potted plant or a stone sculpture, you would be unknowingly creating disharmony in your Career. The reason for this is that the “Chi” or energy flow isn’t moving through the area as it should and it would then affect that area of your life and all those who reside in that home. You may begin to feel stuck, unhappy in your career, can’t hold a job, restlessness etc.

Thats why it is important to have your home or space assessed by a knowledgeable Feng Shui Expert . A simple adjustment can create a sudden shift in a positive direction and greatly enhance your life. Areas such as love, health, family, fame, synchronicity etc. are all areas that Feng Shui addresses.

If you feel an imbalance in an area of your life but don’t know what to do? Hesitate no more! call me for a Free 10 minute Phone Consultation and we will work together to get you on your path of balance and harmony! it works for me and it will work for you! Feng Shui Works!

***I also offer Interior Decorating and Home Staging Services***

Feng Shui Consultation - What to Expect

Feng Shui Portfolio

Feng Shui Consultation Pricing Menu

Home Feng Shui Consultations

Let me help you create Balance and Harmony in your home.

Click an item to learn more and schedule your appointment!

Full Service Feng Shui Consultation

$597.00 2 hours

Do you “Feel” comfortable in your space or “Feel” like your Space needs a Makeover? Are you getting ready to Sell your Home and need some help with Staging/ Decor Advice? Feng Shui addresses the “Feel and Look of a Space.” If it does not “Feel Right” the Property will not Sell or you won’t feel Comfortable in your Space. Let me help you put your mind at ease. We will go in-depth and review all areas such as Wealth, Health, Career, etc. All individuals who reside in the home will be included. We will analyze location, apply Numerology and other tools as needed for the enhancements. Plus square footage fee – Billed Separately.

Feng Shui/Interior Decorator Personal Shopper

$250.00 60 minutes

Shop for items needed for Space Adjustments and or Decor. Price includes 1 hour of Shopping and does not include commute time. Any Additional Time will be Billed Separately. If you need to book more than 1 hour, please contact me prior to booking.

Business Feng Shui Consultations

Let me help you enhance your space for financial and harmonious living.

Click an item to learn more and schedule your appointment!

Full Service Feng Shui Consultation

$597.00 2 hours

If your Business is constantly losing sales, customer retention, employee retention, need a makeover etc. and you have tried everything and nothing works? Before you give up. Schedule a Feng Shui Consultation with me. It may be a simple solution, such as your space needs an energy clearing or the Chi (life force energy that surrounds everything) may be stagnant in your space.  It could be the decor, it could be the location, there could be a number of factors that only a Feng Shui Expert can quickly identify. While we cannot rebuild your business physical structure. I can provide enhancements to balance the space and help with decor. We will go in-depth and review all areas and make adjustments accordingly for the positive enhancement of your business. Plus square footage fee – Billed separately.


A fortuitous choice!

Marsha, staged several items, including a telescope for whale watching from our lanai, beautiful floral arrangements, and others to strategically enhance its beauty.

JVL 8/2019

Absolutely love it!

I absolutely love the office
set up….Thank you so much!

CBH 11/2019

You helped my family!

Thank you Marsha for coming to our Home. You are gifted! Everyone should use you! Our place would not have sold as quickly if you did not help!

KLK 4/2018

Contact Marsha